Work with Me
Please watch the videos below to understand how I approach healing differently than the “normal” conventional healthcare model. I also cover the process of working together, testing packages + pricing details.
This information is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation.
The Root Cause Roadmap
This is the standard “roadmap” that I walk most clients through based on their testing results. It is in a specific order as we need to address certain things like drainage systems and parasites (if present) prior to handling heavy metals and molds.
Some clients need to “stop” at each step whereas others are be able to skip one or more based on their test results + body’s needs.

Foundational Lab Tests
Below are the two tests I suggest every client completes for baseline testing.
These two together give us insight on what is happening both inside and outside of the cells of your body and cover numerous organs + their functions.
On top of the test result documents I create report of findings summaries along with a custom lifestyle + supplement protocol for you based on the findings.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
Bloodwork is like a highway- when you take your blood sample you are seeing who is CURRENTLY traveling on the highway.
HTMA testing instead looks at who got off the highway and is at home (aka in your body’s cells).
This intracellular look at mineral balance + heavy metals allows us to see what has been going on in your body over the last 3-4 months.
Minerals are ESSENTIAL for practically every bodily function and imbalances in them contribute to a host of health issues. Many of you are taking multivitamins which actually could be causing imbalances.
Heavy metals can also been one root cause for a host of health issues and can often replace beneficial minerals in their receptors. This test gives us insight on what metals to target and what deficiencies can be filled.

Bioresonance Root Cause Scans (Qest4)
Qest4 Bioresonance Scans use quantum physics to determine what is stressing out the body and causing dysfunction.
It looks at stress in the form of energetic stress in the body’s organs/systems, nutritional deficiencies , food + environmental sensitivities, and hormonal imbalances.
Most importantly, it clues us in to which toxins (parasites, bacteria, metals, chemicals, molds) may be burdening your system.
It also scans your sample against supplements/remedies that your body is most in need of- meaning no more “guessing” which supplements/ protocols to follow because your sample tells us what you need.
This is hands-down one of my favorite tests for clients.
Additional Testing Options
In addition to the above I also offer additional testing if we decide it is necessary for you or your child during our Intro Call or at any point in our time working together.

Functional Bloodwork Analysis
The body works hard to maintain homeostasis (aka balance) and bloodwork may “look” normal even when disfunction is occurring.
It can take months, even years for the blood levels to be impacted, which is why I like to see bloodwork along with BIO/HTMA.
The traditional bloodwork most practitioners order does not look at optimal ranges and instead compares your results to that of sick people (aka what’s “normal” these days).
They also don’t look at TRENDS within your bloodwork; various highs and lows between markers can tell us a great deal about root cause conditions + what may be going on within you that other practitioners may have missed.
DUTCH Hormone Testing
Provides the most advanced hormone testing for both men and women, including sex and adrenal hormones along with their metabolites which gives us more information that blood or saliva hormone testing can.
Analysis of 35 different hormones: Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA + Cortisol, Daily Free Cortisol Patterns/Circadian Rhythm + more
Other markers: Liver detoxification phases, melatonin, oxidative stress/inflammation, some B vitamins, glutathione, neurotransmitter metabolites
Overview of The Process
I aim to make this an all-inclusive process- this isn’t JUST root cause testing. I consider this process like a spring cleaning of every corner of your lifestyle, not only getting to the root of what is going on in your body, but also looking into what may be contributing from your food, environment + more.

Intro Call
Meet over Zoom to meet one another, discuss your wants/concerns about about your health and determine if this is the right fit for you.

Forms, Tests + Foundations
You’ll complete a few intake forms + whichever testing you choose. You’ll begin learning about the Foundations of Health + Low-Toxin Living.

Foundations Call
Receive your personalized checklist with what changes I’d suggest focusing on prior to you receiving your results + after reviewing we’ll meet to discuss. (30 min)

Receive Results + Protocol
You’ll receive a video recording of me walking you through your results, what we will do about them, and lifestyle + supplement suggestions.

Review Session + Start Protocol
We’ll meet after you’ve reviewed your results/protocol video to discuss any qeustions that you have or clarify any of your results. (30 min)

Next Phase of Protocol or Re-Test
Based on your roadmap, we will move to your next phase or complete re-testing to see what has shifted + what may still need to be addressed.
Personalized Checklist: Foundations of Health + Low-Tox Living
Prior to receiving your results, we’ll first review a checklist of things I’d suggest you consider – from what foods you commonly eat, the coffee you drink, how you sleep, sun/light exposure, the deodorant you use, to certain things about your current home, and so much more.
My goal is to give you a comprehensive list detailing all the changes/things you may need to prioritize, and help you understand if what you are currently do/use is helping or hurting your health.

Lifestyle Protocol + Supplement Schedule
Based on your test results, you will receive two protocols: one that is lifestyle-based and another that uses vitamins/minerals, herbals, and homeopathy.
Some things can be supported by the choices you make on a daily basis, whereas other things may need intervention in the form of targeted supplemental protocols.
Mindfully Well 16-Week Program
Alongside your Foundations work and Testing, you will also be receiving weekly modules that cover in-depth more of the Foundations of Health and other clean-living topics.
My aim is to help educate you on all the things you “could” do and then have you decide what shifts may need to be made over the course of four months.

What New Client Packages Include:
Cost of Some Testing + Analysis
- Bioresonance + HTMA test costs are included in price
- Bloodwork and/or DUTCH testing are an additional fee paid directly to lab $100-300
Mineral Prep Supplement
- You’ll receive a mineral prep supplement in the mail that will be taken during your first protocol to help prep the body for mineral balancing
Personalized Checklist: Foundations of Health
- Address the Foundations of Health and discuss steps you can take lifestyle-wise
- Learn about how to identify toxins in your home/life to best support your body
16 Week Course + Access to 100+ Resources
- Each week you’ll receive new videos/resources to keep you educated and empowered throughout our time together
Recorded Video: Results + Customized Protocol
- Receive a video walkthrough of your results + custom protocol
- Detailed report(s) of findings explaining results (usually 5-15 pages long)
Two Calls (30 Min Each)
- Discuss any questions you have after reviewing your Foundations Checklist
- Discuss any questions after watching your results video + reviewing your protocol
Messaging with Me in PracticeBetter (4 Months)
- 24/7 access to messaging me any questions
- Following completion of the package, you have the option to join the Maintenance Membership for continued access
15-25% off Professional-Grade Supplements
- Receive the deepest discounts available through supplement dispensaries like DSS, Fullscript, DesBio + Cellcore
Package Pricing
Some practitioners will hide their pricing until they get you on a call and I simply do not believe in that.
I want you to know what to expect up front so that you are informed going into our call of what the investment may be based on the testing you choose.
New Client Four Month Package Pricing:
$730- $990 (option to pay in 1, 2, 3 or 4 monthly payments)
These are for all new clients- adults, children, breastfeeding/pregnant. We will modify our approach based on age/status.
I do not accept insurance, but I’ve had many clients use HSA/FSA credit cards to pay for the labs (look into restrictions before using).
I also offer 15-months, no interest financing through AdvancedCare. Click below to learn more.
Ready to get to the root of your health issues?
After reviewing everything above, click below to book your free Intro Call

The information presented on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation.
Affiliate Disclosure: Links on this site may include affiliate links to Amazon and other affiliate sites on which the owner of this website may make a referral commission.
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