Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner?

An FDN-P is different from your typical health coach, nutritionist or medical doctor.

  • A health coach will give you general advice on how to feel and stay well, but they don’t have the ability to look deeper into your unique body and know what is right for you.
  • On the other hand, a medical doctor has access to all the testing in the world to identify what could be going on in your body, but they usually stick to symptom treatment and not finding the actual root cause in your systems. Further, they usually only spend a short amount of time with you and don’t help you identify what to do or how to change your condition.

As an FDN-P, I am able to merge both the lifestyle help with root cause testing to identify healing opportunities and hidden stressors in your body and support you along the way to optimal health.

I’m not just going to throw spaghetti at the wall until it sticks; rather we will use your both your lifestyle and results to look big picture of your body and its systems and create protocols for you that target your entire body non-specifically. We don’t seek symptom relief- we seek total body restoration.

How long will we work together?

Each new client package I offer is roughly around two protocols or four months in length. Most people do need to work through most of the roadmap steps and will require at least 1-2 rounds of re-testing following the initial package.

Because every client is so unique, I don’t have a set time that I suggest working together; instead, we take it protocol by protocol following your testing results and decide together the best path.

The most important part is that I consider this a relationship- I have many clients that have worked with me 1+ years and still come back for yearly re-testing, check-ins as life changes, etc.

Do I have to be local to work together?

Nope! I work with people all over the United States.

Depending on your location, some testing and/or supplements may not be available, but I do my best to find alternatives.

Why can't I order one-off labs from you?

Running one-off labs has gotten most of us to where you are today- searching for answers without the support along the journey.

I’ve worked with countless people who have seen “functional practitioners” that run testing, spend 15 min with them and send them on their way with a laundry-list of supplements but no method to the madness other than “see you in a year.”

I don’t just run labs- I take you on a full-life,  comprehensive journey that tackles things one step at a time and makes sure nothing is slipping through the cracks.

I see this as a relationship and not just another transaction. I am easy to contact with questions/support and create specific protocols within timeframes depending on what comes up in your labs to address.

Would you review labs I've had done recently through another provider?

If you want a second opinion on labs that were run within the last 3-6 months OR want your labs to be interpreted from my perspective, I’d be happy to look at your bloodwork, stool tests, hormone tests, etc.

I also am happy to look at your older labs in comparison to your new labs if you book any of my complete packages.

Do You Offer Payment Plans or Financing?

I get it- taking care of yourself from a holistic/alternative/preventative perspective can be pricey. On top of that many have been spending a lot searching for answers that they haven’t found quite yet and have spent thousands in the process.

Because of this, all of packages are offered anywhere between one to four monthly payment plans.

If you want it to be even more spread out, I also offer a 15-month interest free payment plan through Advance Care Credit or My Medical Funding.

Do You Accept Insurance or HSA/FSA?

As a non-licensed practitioner, I cannot bill insurance or provide you with specific documents to submit to your insurance (I can provide you with a transaction receipt, but these receipts are not recognized by many insurance companies).

However, if you have a Health Savings Account (HSA) or (FSA) credit card, you may be able to purchase this service if coaching, supplements or testing are allowed.

I DO suggest checking with your HSA/FSA provider if you aren’t sure as in recent years the IRS has been tightening up what they deem a “necessary” medical expense.


The information presented on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation.

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